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E-Commerce Storefront Platform

Take the complexity out of e-commerce with Commerzi.
Simplify and expedite your shipping workflows with Commerzi.
Transform customer interactions into sales with Commerzi marketing tools.
Let your business shine, leave software hassles behind

Unlimited Products

Transform your business with Commerzi, your ultimate platform for unlimited product selling. Enthrall customers with vivid pictures and engaging videos of your products. Generate direct URLs to highlight your best-sellers or any items you wish to spotlight. Elevate customer service by providing subscription-based products, and keep track of your inventory effortlessly. With Commerzi, you can even monitor specific products via serial numbers.

Sales Quotes

In the world of commerce, from art to zippers, volume purchases often call for a discount. If you specialize in a particular product and operate on a quote basis, Commerzi has got your back. We offer an optional "get a quote" feature for any or all of your products. By integrating this tool, we streamline your sales process, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction. Partner with Commerzi - where convenience meets commerce.


With Commerzi, you hold the reins of your shipping operations, whether you're delivering next door or across the globe. You have the freedom to build your own shipping team or hire an external vendor. Choose to offer free shipping or charge based on product specifics, weight, and dimensions. Plus, you can provide a fixed shipping fee or give your customers the flexibility to choose between speedy overnight delivery or a slower, cost-effective option.

Personal Shopping

Elevate your customer service experience by providing your clients with a tailored personal shopper experience. With this unique feature, your clients won't miss out on any new additions to your store that might pique their interest. An automated email notification will keep them in the loop, ensuring they're the first to know about fresh arrivals. This personal shopper program is completely optional for customers, guaranteeing a spam-free experience. It's a brilliant way to enhance your brand's customer service, making each client feel valued and in-the-know.

Cart and Gifts

Elevate your customer's shopping experience with Commerzi's unified cart. Allow your clients the ease of purchasing gifts for multiple recipients, all in one go. With innovative features like marking items as gifts, offering gift wrapping services, and personalizing gift cards, you're not just selling, you're delighting. Our user-friendly shopping cart ensures a seamless checkout process, even when shipping to multiple addresses. With Commerzi, experience the power of convenience while enhancing customer satisfaction.


Leverage Commerzi's smart analytics to gauge product traffic versus sales rates. Identify your best-sellers and most profitable items. Utilize our statistical insights for savvy price alterations. By examining details like abandoned cart data, you can spot customer patterns. Such insights empower you to refine your pricing, promotions, and cross-selling strategies, ensuring you understand and cater to your shoppers more effectively. The more you understand your shoppers, the more they'll return.